Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.    Who organizes the congress?

The congress is organized by the Department of International Relations within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Hitit University.

2.    How many times has the congress been held?

This is the fourth edition of the congress. For information on previous congresses, please click: 2021 - 2022 - 2023.

3.    What is important about the congress?

The congress is both scientific and international. It is open to all researchers who work in security or relate their fields of study to security. The fourth congress, which has been granted support under the TÜBİTAK 2223-B Domestic Scientific Event Organization Support Program, will be held in a hybrid format (online or in-person participation depending on the participant's preference) from December 12-14, 2024.

4.    What does it mean for the congress to be international?

The congress is considered international due to the participation of scholars from various countries on the scientific and advisory boards, as well as the fact that all submissions undergo an objective peer review process. Additionally, the congress will feature invited speakers and paper presentations from international academics and researchers, further enhancing its international nature. Presentations in multiple languages will also be possible.

5.    Who can participate in the congress?

Any academic, expert researcher, or graduate-level student who prepares a paper according to the congress's aims and guidelines can apply. All applications will be reviewed by referees based on objective criteria.

6.    What is the purpose of the congress?

The primary purpose of the congress is to gather scholars working in the field of security around an academic table and discuss all current issues related to security.

7.    What topics does the congress cover?

Broadly, the congress is open to all researchers working on security-related issues or connecting their research areas to security. Specific topics include international security, migration, terrorism, regional studies, intelligence, ontological security, public safety, social security, environmental security, defense industry, transnational crime, economic security, crypto-economy, cybersecurity, geopolitics, diplomacy, international law, criminology, globalization debates, conflict and crisis management, peace studies, conflict resolution, international organizations, and other contemporary issues.

8.    Is there a participation fee for the congress?

Yes, a participation fee is required for the congress scheduled for December 2024. For more information, please click here.

9.    How will presentations be conducted during the congress?

The congress will be held in a hybrid format (both in-person and online). Participants should specify their preferred format in the application form.

10.     How can I apply to the congress?

You can apply by filling out the application form, including your paper, under the submission guidelines section on the congress website, and sending it to the congress email address: guvenlikkongresi@hitit.edu.tr.

11.     Is it possible to participate with a co-authored paper?

Yes. The first author listed on the paper will be considered the presenter.

12.     Can I submit more than one paper?

Yes, each participant can submit up to two papers.

13.     I have sent the application form with my paper to your email. Is there anything else I need to do? When will I receive the result?

Once we receive your application, you will receive a confirmation email shortly. On November 29, 2024, the accepted/rejected papers will be announced, and the scientific program of the congress will be published. However, please ensure that your contact information in the application form is complete in case we need to reach you during the process.

14.     In which languages can I submit a paper?

Papers in both Turkish and English are accepted for the congress.

15.     I have successfully presented my paper. What happens next?

A signed digital certificate of participation will be sent to all presenters. In addition, accepted papers will be included in the congress proceedings.

16.     What publication opportunities are available after the congress?

At the conclusion of the congress, a congress proceedings book with an ISSN number will be published. Participants also can prepare their presented papers in article format and have them published in the Special Congress Issue of the Hitit Journal of Economics and Politics.

17.     I have other questions or concerns. How can I contact you?

You can send any questions or concerns to the congress email address. The emails of the organizing committee members are also available in our system, and you can direct your inquiries to them as well.